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Certificate I in Skills for Vocational Pathways


You don’t have to stay where you are or be afraid to take that first crucial step towards the better place you dream of.

Get to grips with the key basics: literacy, numeracy, and computers. Gain the skills and confidence to take on further study and take more control of your path in life.

This course will help you:

  • Deal with and better understand the world around you
  • Read signs, make budgets, shop smarter, ask for help, etc
  • Remove employment barriers
  • Move onto other courses

    But it’s not all about degrees and jobs. These are skills for living. This course is about gaining confidence and feeling like you can take the next step. It gives you the tools you need to begin building towards the future you want.


Foundation Skills

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It’s easy to say ‘unlock your potential’ – but who holds the key?

This course is about giving you that key. It is designed to help you remove the barriers keeping you from work and further education. It is ideally suited for those who require significant foundation skills support and who want to access more job and training opportunities and enjoy a fuller participation in social and community life.

The qualification is for those looking for:

  • Reading, writing, oral communication, numeracy and learning skills (primarily aligned to Australian Core Skills Framework [ACSF] Level 2)
  • Entry level digital technology and employability skills
  • A pathway to further vocational training and the job market

    If you were disadvantaged by or disengaged from standard schooling, or you are a recent migrant and/or someone for whom English remains a serious hurdle, this an ideal introduction to the skills and confidence you want.

Job Roles

This is a pre-employment course. There are no employment outcomes from this course.

Delivery Mode

  • Classroom
  • Full time
  • Part time


Assessment may consist of

  • written answers to questions
  • role plays
  • project
  • recognition of prior learning

Evidence may be

  • written
  • audio recordings
  • video recordings
  • observation
  • Zoom recording
  • interview
  • documents

Entry requirements

There are no prerequisites for this course.

All students will engage in a language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) activity to evaluate potential support requirements. Students who are funded are required to complete an alternative and similar activity.


Course consists of 11 units … 1 core units and 10 electives.


FSKLRG008Use simple strategies for work-related learning
FSKDIG002 Use digital technology for simple workplace tasks
FSKNUM008 Identify and use whole numbers and simple fractions, decimals and percentages for work
FSKNUM009Identify, measure and estimate familiar quantities for work
FSKOCM003Participate in simple spoken interactions at work
FSKRDG007Read and respond to simple workplace information
FSKWTG006Write simple workplace information
FSKLRG003Use basic strategies for career planning
FSKLRG007Use strategies to identify job opportunities
FSKLRG006Participate in work placement
FSKRDG001Recognise highly familiar workplace signs and symbols


Fees vary due to government funding options available for some courses. Please contact us to confirm course fees.

Options may include:

  • Fee for Service
  • Concession
  • SkillingSA
  • Smart and Skilled


  • Full time – up to 12 months
  • Part time – up to 24 months

Why this course

Knowledge for life

Learn about the essential skills you need to survive and thrive in life.

Language and literacy

Develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions to interpret and use language confidently for learning and communicating.

Numeracy skills

Use, interpret and communicate mathematical information to solve real-world problems.

Follow Your Goals Interskills


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Week 1

Beginners level

Nec tincidunt praesent semper feugiat nibh. Nunc mi ipsum faucibus vitae aliquet nec ullamcorper sit. Pretium lectus quam id leo in vitae. Tincidunt praesent semper feugiat nibh sed. Massa eget egestas purus viverra.

3 Videos
1 Audio
1 Reading
10 minutes
Video: Greetings and introduction
7 minutes
Video: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
12 minutes
Audio: Consectetur adipiscing elit
8 minutes
Reading: Incididunt ut labore et dolore
8 minutes
Graded: MasterClass Technology
3 questions

Week 2

Beginners level

Nec tincidunt praesent semper feugiat nibh. Nunc mi ipsum faucibus vitae aliquet nec ullamcorper sit. Pretium lectus quam id leo in vitae. Tincidunt praesent semper feugiat nibh sed. Massa eget egestas purus viverra.

2 Videos
2 Readings
Reading: Ut enim ad minim veniam
10 minutes
Video: Pottery lessons
8 minutes
Video: Duis aute irure dolor
8 minutes
8 minutes
Graded: MasterClass Technology
3 questions
Emeritus Education

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